Media and development

 1.Media and Development. a. Social Mobilization.   The media can be used to encourage people to contribute to economic development, to support and uphold moral rules and to mobilize the population in times of peace and war.This can be through very direct public campings such as moral tales with in dramas and movies. Social mobilazation can be done through media to motivate people in order to participate in social welfare economic development and political processes in the society. To mobilize people so they can cast their vote in the elections in an example of socialization similarly convincing people to help others and take part in development process is also called social mobilazation. 2.Media and Awareness Mass media are most extensively use to create awareness on various social economic and political issues.Mass media are excessable by million of people at a time that makes it possible to spread information. In any society many issues can be resolved through creating...

Non-verbal communication with its types

          Non-Verbal communication

    In  Non-Verbal Communication instead of words and  languages we use body language to convey our messages intentionally or unintentionally.Body languages include gestures, postures,facial expressions,symbols and sings.
           Non-Verbal Communication is help in order to understand other's thoughts and feelings.
                   It is a non verbal body movement .These are deliberate in some situations while in others situation they are unintentional.They include movement of hands,arms and head.
     For example:
       1) Pointing finger while telling a direction.
      2)Nodding head 
     3)Thumbs up      these are some gestures we use in our daily life.
         Postures is a specific position of a body while sitting standing or walking.Postures reflect the personality of human being as well as mental state.
      For example:
       When we are relaxed we sit or stand casually,where as army man supposed to stand straight because his duty demands alertness.
      Facial Expression:
       It is the movement of muscle beneath your skin which is reflect what is going on you mind. They express feelings.
  For example:
       1) Happy face reflects you are happy.
       2) Sad face tells about your sadness.
       Sings are representation of some information or idea they resemble with what they represent.
    For example:
       Road sing of speed breaker resemble with the actual speed breaker  on the road Image result for sing of speed breaker
     Almost all the road sings are the example of sings.
               Symbols also represent certain idea and concept but they have no resemblance with what they represent.We only assign meanings to certain symbols which are understood universally with everyone.
        For example:
 1) White color is the symbol of peace and purity.
2)  Red color represent Love.


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