Concept of communication:
Introduction to Communication
The word communication has been derived from a Latin word "communicare or communico" that's means sharing.
Berelson and Steiner
They defined communication as the transmission of ideas ,information , emotions, ideas and skills by use of of words symbols, figures,pictures and graphs.
In that writer explains that we can communicate with the help of different ways.we can communicate with the use of our skills.It means we can communicate with the help of work we done.For example: If I am a writer i can transmit my thoughts to the reader with the help of written work I done. A painting can also explains the background behind it which means that the painting communicate the painter's feelings and emotions.
George Gerbner:
Communication is the social interaction through messages.
We can communicate with the society by different ways, we can communicate with the help of print media and digital media. Media is the one of the finest kind of the communication.Media shares every thing happening in the world with the people living in the world .
Secondly,we can say that we can communicate with the way of our living our dressing explains our religion,our culture and our life style explains our status in the society.
Aristotle says's that :
He can not live alone or in isolation. He, who is sufficient for him self must be either beast or an Idol.
Oxford dictionary:
Communication is imparting or exchanging ideas and knowledge through speech,writing and sings.
By talking to one another , we can share our experience,our thoughts which is also a way of communication.
Charles Colley:
The communication is the mechanism through human relation exist and develop.
Two persons will know each other betterly through communication.They can resolve their conflicts with the help of communication when they talk about their problem then they will be able to resolve it.
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